Transform your Brand.

The key to growth is a well-defined brand strategy and a compelling story. BlackMoss helps you move your brand forward quickly and effectively, aligning your teams around an authentic purpose and clear story and orchestrating the resources critical to a successful brand awareness launch.


Releasing a new financial brand or rebrand is not easy, especially for firms that may not have the internal resources, expertise or simply the bandwidth to develop and coordinate a strategic brand release. BlackMoss helps your teams align around the three elements central to a successful launch.

- Brand strategy and brand identity

- A compelling brand voice and story, captured in a comprehensive brand expression toolkit and initial design system

- A roadmap to align and sequence your resources to move your brand forward

We help you to orchestrate your brand release, training teams on the new messaging platform and voice principles, helping them translate the strategy into sales and marketing campaigns, and handing off the release roadmap to appropriate internal owners. We also help you achieve key stakeholder buy-in for the plan and maintain it throughout the initiative.

In 60 to 90 days, the brand is ready to relaunch—allowing you to engage customers sooner, accelerate value creation and create positive buzz around your brand.

BlackMoss works with senior teams across financial services, including asset managers, ETF issuers, financial information providers and FinTech start-ups—and with private equity and venture firms that invest in them—to position them for growth. We employ a process that draws on our deep knowledge of these industries and our strategic expertise in positioning and marketing financial products and brands. 

Transforming your brand strategy.


Our experience drives transformational results.

Let’s talk. Larry Black,


Leaders’ Lounge Podcast

The Leaders’ Lounge is a new podcast series from BlackMoss Partners. We share the voice of Industry leaders—thoughts about overcoming challenges and realizing success in times of change and uncertainty.

Listen to our latest episode with Morningstar’s Ron Bundy, Moving at the Speed of Trust  >